Work with PTF Groups (WRKPTFGRP)

The Work with Program Temporary Fix Groups (WRKPTFGRP) command displays a list of PTF groups on the system. A PTF group consists of a list of program temporary fixes (PTFs) defined for the purpose of managing those PTFs as one group. A PTF group can identify other PTF groups called related PTF groups. The PTFs in the PTF group as well as the PTFs in the latest installed level of all related PTF groups are used to determine the overall status of the PTF group.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
PTFGRP PTF group Character value, *ALL Optional, Positional 1
PTFGRPLVL PTF group level 1-99999, *INSTALLED, *LATEST, *ALL Optional

PTF group (PTFGRP)

Specifies the PTF groups to display.

This is a required parameter.

All PTF groups on the system are displayed.
Specify the name of the PTF group to display.
Specify the generic name of the PTF group to display. A generic name is a character string that contains one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*).

PTF group level (PTFGRPLVL)

Specifies the level of the PTF group to display.

All levels of the PTF group are displayed.
The latest level of the PTF group is displayed.
The latest level of the PTF group that has a status of Installed or Apply at next IPL is displayed. If no levels of the PTF group have a status of Installed or Apply at next IPL, the latest level of the PTF group that exists on the system is displayed.
Specify the level of the PTF group to display.


Example 1: Specifying a generic PTF group name


This command allows you to work with all of the PTF groups that start with the letters 'SF'.

Example 2: Display the latest installed level of all PTF groups on the system


This command displays the latest installed level of all PTF groups on the system. For each PTF group, the latest level of the PTF group that has a status of Installed or Apply at next IPL is displayed. If no levels of the PTF group have a status of Installed or Apply at next IPL, the latest level of the PTF group that exists on the system is displayed.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Error occurred while opening file &1.