Obtaining service and productivity tools for Linux

While applying firmware fixes, or running other commands at the Linux command prompt, you might need to install service and productivity tools for Linux operating system.

These tools might include:
  • Platform Enablement Library – librtas-xxxxx.rpm
  • Service Aids – ppc64-utils-xxxxx.rpm
  • Hardware Inventory – lsvpd-xxxxx.rpm

    where xxxxx represents a specific version of the RPM file.

If your server is not connected to the Internet, download the service tools to a PC or server that is connected to the Internet and burn a CD that contains the service tools. Next, you install the service tools from the CD to the server.

To download and unpack the service tools to your server or CD, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Service and productivity tools website http://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/set2/sas/f/lopdiags/home.html
  2. Click your Linux distributor.
  3. Click the RPM file for the service tool.
  4. Download the service tools in the following order:
    1. Platform Enablement Library – librtas-xxxxx.rpm
    2. Service Aids – ppc64-utils-xxxxx.rpm
    3. Hardware Inventory – lsvpd-xxxxx.rpm
    where xxxxx represents a specific version of the RPM file.

    The File Download window is displayed indicating the name of the RPM file. For example, librtas-1.1–12.ppc64.rpm.

  5. In the File Download window, click Save, specify the directory to which you want to download the RPM file, and click Save.
  6. Choose from the following options:
    • If you are installing the file directly to the server, continue with step 10.
    • If you are creating a CD, continue with the next step.
  7. Follow the instructions for your CD program to create the CD.
  8. Insert the CD into the media drive on your server.
  9. To mount the CD, type one of the following commands at a Linux command prompt:
    mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt
    mount -t iso9660 /dev/dvdrom /mnt
  10. To install the RPM file that contains the service tool, you need to run the following command at a Linux command prompt for each RPM file:
    rpm -Uvh filename.rpm
    where filename is the name of the RPM file that contains the service tool. For example, librtas-1.1–12.ppc64.rpm.
  11. Choose from the following options:
    • If the server is connected to the Internet, this ends this procedure.
    • If the server is not connected to the Internet, unmount the CD by typing the following at a Linux command prompt:
      umount /mnt

Last updated: Thu, October 15, 2020