Logical Partition

Logical Partition provides information about AIX®, Linux or IBM® i partitions.


This API provides information about all the logical partitions managed by a particular managed system given its UUID:
This API provides information about a particular logical partition which is being managed by a particular managed system given their respective UUIDs:
This API provides information about all the logical partitions managed by the HMC:
This API provides information about a particular logical partition given the UUID:


/rest/api/uom/LogicalPartition/{LogicalPartition_uuid}/quick/{Property name}

Supported property names available at /rest/api/uom/LogicalPartition/quick URI.

Table 1. Quick properties
Quick property Description
IsVirtualServiceAttentionLEDOn The virtual service attention LED state.
MigrationState The state of the partition's migration operation.
ProgressState The progress state of the partition's hibernation operation.
PartitionType The partition environment, as an enumeration key (for example, 'AIX_LINUX', 'OS_400', etc.).
PartitionName The name of the partition.
PartitionID The integer ID of the partition.
PartitionState The state of the partition.
RemoteRestartState The state of the partition's Remote Restart operation.
AssociatedManagedSystem The REST URI of the partition's parent managed system.
RMCState The state of the partition's Resource Monitoring Control (RMC) connection.
PowerManagementMode The power management mode.

Extended groups

There are certain attribute which always makes call to its underlying layer to get the data. Those attributes are not cached and populated in REST API unless the user requested for them.


/rest/api/uom/LogicalPartition?group={Group Name}

This API provides all the Logical Partition information of the specified extended group attributes.

/rest/api/uom/LogicalPartition/{LogicalPartition_uuid}?group={Group Name}

This API provides the specified extended group attributes of the given instance.

LogicalPartition?group={Group Name}

This API provides the specified extended group attributes of the given instance.

{LogicalPartition_uuid}?group={Group Name}

This API provides the specified extended group attributes of the given instance.

Table 2. List of extended groups
Group name Description
Advanced This is an extended group that makes a call to hypervisor to get the data.
None This is an extended group that provides the default attributes.
Table 3. Supported methods
Method Description Internet media type
GET It retrieves information identified by the Request-URI. Produced data is returned as the entity in the response. application/vnd.ibm.powervm.uom+xml; Type=LogicalPartition
PUT It is used to request the web server to accept the entity enclosed in the request and allow them to create a new instance. application/vnd.ibm.powervm.uom+xml; Type=LogicalPartition
POST It is used to request the web server to accept the entity enclosed in the request and allow them to change state of the entity. application/vnd.ibm.powervm.uom+xml; Type=LogicalPartition
DELETE It is used to request the web server to delete the requested entity. application/vnd.ibm.powervm.uom+xml; Type=LogicalPartition
Since: Version 1_1_0


User can search a resource by giving a property name and value in the LogicalPartition URI to get the matching instance.


/rest/api/uom/LogicalPartition/search/({Property name}=={Property value})

Supported property name available at /rest/api/uom/LogicalPartition/search URI.

Last updated: Fri, June 23, 2017